The Shadow Of Pirates

From YPPedia
The Shadow Of Pirates at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Tutmaster
Senior Officer(s) Vittario.
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Shadows Of The Carribean
Founded 29 January, 2013
Last updated on 30 January, 2013
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Crews-The Shadow Of Pirates.jpg

The Shadow Of Pirates is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean and is part of the flag Shadows Of The Carribean.

Public statement

The Shadows are moving across the wide seas... Watch Out, There Coming!!

Extended public statement

Hello and Welcome in Pirates Of Eternity! We're doing lots of pillages and we are always ready for new adventures! =D

Crew rules

  1. Respect Crew Members and help them out!!
  2. Restock crew ships after use.
  3. Never Abandon a ship at sea if you're alone!!!
  4. If you have any problems or questions, your Captain Tutmaster will always help ya..!!
  5. Have Fun and enjoy your pirate life at Yo Ho Ho Puzzle Pirates!!

Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho..!! =oD

Pirate rankings

• Pirate:

You all get this rank once you've joined the crew. Pirate badge needed for booty division.

• Officer:

You need at least some broad stats and some proficient rankings to become officer. Some days in the crew are also needed. When you become officer you're able to use crew ships for pillying, but always check officers board before setting sail!!

• Fleet Officer:

These officers know how to run succesful pillages and have some experience in the game. 4 Broads and 2 solids in different piracy skills are needed to become Fleet. A deed to a ship is a must for this rank. Also some trust of the Captain is required to become Fleet Officer in the crew.

• Senior Officer:

Officers who have proven they have the skills of a true pirate are able to achieve the rank of Senior Officer. Those Pirates have full trust of the Captain and help him out with the crew because they have respect for crew and flag members and they are loyal to the crew!!! Only Chosen By Captain Tutmaster