Tangled Up In Blue

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Tangled Up In Blue at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Redshorts
Senior Officer(s) Quads, Bellix, Smurfey, Budington, Finkster, Tasaskay
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Imperial Coalition
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Tangled Up In Blue was created by Redshorts on December 6th 2007. Tangled Up In Blue was a song written by Bob Dylan. Redshort had always been a huge Bob Dylan fan and vowed to name his crew after this great musician. Tangled Up In Blue was an autocratic crew and split its booty according to even. Tangled Up In Blue was part of the flag Imperial Coalition.

Public Statement

Welcome to Tangled Up in Blue, we have one short rule and nothing more!

Pillage and be nice!


Pirate: Badge and narrow in one duty puzzle

Officer: Badge, broad in bilge, carp, sail, and guns and narrow bnav

Fleet Officer: Master bnav and my trust.

Senior Officer: I personally know you very well and you have very good stats.


On December 6th Redshorts departed from his former crew Raging Rebels, to form Tangled Up In Blue. 3 days later the the crew Spacebar is Your Friend merged with Tangled Up In Blue. Currently Tangled Up In Blue has over 50 members and has a fame of celebrated, with a pvp rank of Scurvy Dogs.