Ocean Crusaders

From YPPedia
Ocean Crusaders at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Bigpapapump
Senior Officer(s) Catdude, Girlkiller, Iamsosexie, Ladymonte, Lovelylilly Oharra, Sarabell
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation ONCOMING STORM
Founded 18 June, 2008
Last updated on 25 July, 2013
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Ocean Crusaders.jpg

Ocean Crusaders is a crew on the Meridian Ocean. It is the name given to the crew Degeneration X after Bigpapapump switched the name on June 18,2009

Public Statement

we are always looking for new members to join crew

Extended Public Statement

no drama allowed in this crew. we are here for fun so if thats you your welcome to join crew

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