HELL'S ANGLES at a Glance | |
Emerald Ocean | |
Last Captain | Ghchamp (Dormant) |
Senior Officer(s) | Beebeeo-East, Blefshmere, Monston, Musicality, Nelag, Reniiz, Sworsoss (ALL are dormant) |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Jobber's Delight |
Flag Affiliation | cthulu's wrath |
Founded | 3 April, 2008 |
Dormant as of 29 November, 2016 | |
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HELL'S ANGLES is a dormant crew on the Emerald Ocean. The crew is captained by Ghchamp, and currently flies the flag of cthulu's wrath.
HELL'S ANGLES was founded on the 3rd of April, in 2008 on the former Hunter Ocean. The crew was previously captained by Wend, then Monston, who then stepped down for the current captain whose name is Ghchamp. This crew once flew the flag of Systematic Destruction.
Public statement
Welcome! :)
Extended public statement
Rank requirements: pirate: given upon joining officer: broad in 5 piracy skills excluding tresure haul and foraging fleet officer: solid in two skills senior officer: captain's discretion
Former public statement
Former extended public statement
ranks will be given by the captain. and if u take a ship out make sure u restock it. do not steal or u will be removed from crew.
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