Duchessa your friendly, happy piratey mate. She travels through the ocean, destroying all in her way, as senior officer of the crew The Villa Alliance. Duchessa is very honoured to be lady of the flag White Gold. After a long day she enjoys spending time with her many pets in her townhouse, with one of her best friends, Ellyzabeth. Duchessa doesn't like to chose favourites, but admits she enjoys taking Marshmellow the cat on all of her outings and errands.
Duchessa has been in quite a few crews, but admits one of the best crews has been Swashbearder's crews Poseidons Revenge.
Duchessa enjoys sailing, bilging and foraging. She particually dislikes poker, distilling and carpenting.
Duchessa thanks her friend Remi for introducing her to Puzzle Pirates 4-5 years ago. (As Lizaloo and Maddyr.)
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