Caraak's Renegades

From YPPedia
Caraak's Renegades at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Caraak
Senior Officer(s) Frube,Parcil,Flamable, Lordrikku and Pureluck
Politics Autocratic
Shares even
Flag Affiliation Burning Dawn
Founded 13 March, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 29 July, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Caraak's Renegades.jpg

Caraak's Renegades is a crew on the Viridian Ocean. Caraak was the founder of the crew. Caraak and Skittll jointly ran this crew until Frube turned up. Frube is a key member of the crew. He is the financial supporter and chief recruiter for the crew. The Renegades pillage a lot for a small crew. As a rule they pillage on Dhows as they believe these to be the ultimate pillaging device.

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