Deeogee, A great mate in all, he started the game while he was still young on August 20th, 2005. He had very little friends and decided to quit the game. He later came back on October 3rd, 2005. He came as a subscriber and ready to learn the game he called Puzzle Pirates! There is little Deeogee, hoping to find some good freinds. On November 2nd, 2005 Deeogee made his first crew called "The Canaricans" The crew quickly crew to 200 on December 21st, 2005. December 21st, 2005 is a day to remember for Deeogee's crew, it was the day he promised his crew that if we got over 200 members by December 24th, 2005 we would have a 200 battle pillage day. We had it all right, 194 wins - 39 losses and 6 pvp wins - 2 pvp losses. "The Canaricans" quickly went from Celebrated Sailors to Emient Scurvy Dogs and made 12th placed. Only three more places and they will get Illustrious! Oh what a day! On March 2nd, 2006 Deeogee merged his crew into "Weatherd", the Captain was Karrgo, I had been good mates with this guy and he had what it took to be a great captain but he took his power down the wrong road. Deeogee and Karrgo got a Grand Frigate to share between the two of them, Deeogee paid for 75% of it and Karrgo paid the other half, guess who got to keep it! Karrgo, he took his power the wrong way. He promised to keep it unlocked for me and he never did. We got in a fight and he expelled Deeogee and left him out to dry. After that Deeogee made a new crew called "The Royal Raiders" he had many good mates in the crew but Deeogee was lonely, really lonely!,