Censer of shades

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The censer of shades is a trinket obtained in booty divisions from the Haunted Seas. It was first seen in release 2011-09-28. The censer of shades is available in all the colors of the Haunted Seas palette.

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Lgt Blue
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Ngt Blue
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Haunted Seas Rewards
release 2010-08-24 Black lilies | Corpse light | Eternal flame | Faded cameo | Ghostly looking glass | Gravestone fragment | Haunted dinner napkin | Haunted tome | Planchette | Spectral lantern

release 2010-10-14 Black wreath | Compass to the Nether Seas | Ethereal mist | Ghost doll | Ghostly ring | Grave rubbing | Haunted candle | Pale padlock | Phantom powder flask | Spectral veil

release 2011-09-28 Cannonball from beyond | Censer of shades | Eldritch astrolabe | Ghostly impression | Locket from a lost love | Phantom hand | Rumjug of spirits | Spirit slates | Spooky spyglass | Unearthly urn
See also : Haunted Seas