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Revision as of 20:43, 6 February 2011 by Freaks87 (talk | contribs) (Deleted pirate)
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Arrovv was once a pirate on the Hunter Ocean. He was a senior officer of the crew Wyrda o Brisingr and a lord of the flag EAC. This pirate has been deleted.


Arrovv first joined the crew Ferocity and served under the rule of Wadesoj, but he later moved on and co-founded Wyrda O Brisingr, a name inspired by the Inheritance trilogy.


  • Along with his friend Kratos Arrov won EAC's Boogie Wonderland event over the Valentines day holiday, in which he won the sloop Loving Sunfish and a pink/red apron suit.
  • Senior officer and co-founder of Wyrda O Brisingr

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