Talk:Tyr's Own

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Revision as of 22:07, 22 December 2010 by Sweetiepiepi (talk | contribs) (Neutrality)
Wikicities Migration
This page migrated from Wikicities (now Wikia) in July, 2005. The following contributors agreed to relicense their material here:
  • Barrister
  • CursedBurger
  • Greasy
  • Mercano


I've fleshed out some of Tyr's Own's history regarding the Jorvik blockades. Nevertheless, I was on the receiving end, and I'm concerned that my recollection may be biased. Others should review this with an appropriately skeptical eye. --Barrister 00:17, 25 October 2005 (PDT)

There are a bunch of blockades still missing, for those of you who like to edit this kind of stuff.

Aye, the blockades-at-a-glance are sparsely-implemented while the template is still going through the wringer. Thanks, tho! --AtteSmythe 19:19, 11 July 2006 (PDT)

Just a quick formatting note, we like to have our full list of blockades showing on the page rather than as a drop-down box (or at least as full as we've gotten around to keeping it so far....). Thanks! ~ Sweetiepiepi