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Revision as of 01:43, 23 May 2010 by Azikon (talk | contribs) (Biography)
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Azikon is currently a fleet officer and card sharp of the crew Knott Serious.


Azikon started to play Puzzle Pirates about a month before the Hunter Ocean opened so he ended up being one of the first pirates on the ocean. He played the game for about 3 months. On November 2nd, 2006, he created his own crew Dark Horizon. But then he decided to take a break from Puzzle Pirates for about two years. During the summer of 2009, Azikon came back to Puzzle Pirates. After being captain of his own crew for 3 years (technically), he decided to merge his crew with Knott Serious on August 24th, 2009.

He is very lucky that he did the merge because despite the fact that Dark Horizon was such an awesome crew name, he was not a ready to be a captain. After joining Knott Serious he was allowed to take an officer position due to him giving up being a captain to join (It is more likely that Dawnrenee and Knottydog just felt sorry for him). Anyway, from that point on he worked hard to earn respect in the crew.

Recently Azikon was promoted to the rank of fleet officer and is very happy with Knott Serious. He would also happen to hold the deed for the coolest sloop on the ocean, the Electric Eel.