Animal Kingdom

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Animal Kingdom at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Monarch Luphie of Sea of Tigers
Member crew(s) Sea of Tigers, Smiling Assassins
Dormant or disbanded as of 22 May, 2008

Animal Kingdom was a flag on the Cobalt Ocean.

Extended Public Statement

Come join our Kingdom we accept eneybody. All Captains will be automaticly Royal and have their Chhoice of 5 or less officers to be titled


Animal Kingdom welcomes crews of all type. We hope that you are in the kingdom of animals. Here is the requirements for the ranks in the flag...

  • Member-Be in the flag with your crew.
  • Titled Member- Either be my friend in one of the crews that are in the flag or this is your starting position if you are captain of the crew.
  • Royalty: Be trusted 100% bye the King
  • Monarch: Already taken (V)^_^(V)


Animal Kingdom was created shortly after Luphie decided to make another flag. The first flag he owned was Tigers Revenger, but he disbanded it because it was doing nothing. Before Luhpie made Animal Kingdom, he went around searching for a good flag but could not find one that felt like home. Luphie loves animals so he thought it would be cool if he had a kingdom of animals.

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