Nautical Plague

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Nautical Plague at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Talsorn
Senior Officer(s) Cadfael
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation none
Founded 1 November, 2006
Disbanded as of 19 January, 2007

Nautical Plague was formed by Talsorn around the time of Halloween 2006, containing only one sloop owned by Talsorn. Soon Cadfael joined and became a senior officer. He allowed the use of his ironworking stall upon Dragon's Nest for the crew's restocking needs.

The booty shares were set to "promotion pays", then "even" until it eventually became "jobber's delight" to encourage more jobbers. This was due to the lack of people wishing to permanently join the crew and most of the ones who did becoming dormant. This did not concern Talsorn due to the change in the gunning puzzle allowing cannonballs to be misloaded and washed out without losing stock. Thus he could order any of the pirates aboard a ship to gun, regardless of standing.

Talsorn hoped to create a flag named The Hidden Valkers in memory of Cadfael's old crew. Cadfael would have been named king.