Golden Bladers

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Revision as of 12:46, 19 May 2009 by Ikketje (talk | contribs) (crew is dormant)
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Golden Bladers at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain None (formerly Bligelife)
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation BIG LEGION
Founded 22 April, 2008
dormant as of 19 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Golden Bladers.jpg

Golden Bladers is a crew on the Viridian Ocean.


The founding crew of the flag Ever Rule is Golden Bladers.


This crew was created 2 times, the first time by Gaspacheg (June 23, 2005) and the second time by Bligelife (April 22, 2008). And there were different captains: Gaspacheg, Kellifer and finally Bligelife.

Gaspacheg Times

Public Statement

Crew Shoppes & Stalls

Kellifer´s apothecary stall in Kirin Island

Gaspacheg´s weaving stall in Kirin Island

Vilder´s Ironmonger stall in Napi Peak

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