
From YPPedia
Revision as of 00:37, 29 July 2008 by Wero96 (talk | contribs) (Biography)
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Atlantean band
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My Pets
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Darksea has been in several number of crews since he started play in March 2006. Since then he started to work hard so he can become a Senior Officer. He discovered that he was very good a bilge. It passed lot'o time ,finally one of his friends made a crew called th Alpha Elite where he becomed SO. He made a great progress in that crew. The crew was disbanded so he looked for a new crew were he can have a good position. He got the position of Fleet Officer in United Kingdom thats is actually commanded by Alebear. After a while he got better stats and he desided to be captain so he funded the Dark Riders. He joined his anterior's crew flag : The English Rose But after some time he desided to make he's own flag the Dark Road.

He lives in his lways wished cottage. He sails in Aimuari Island on the fine governance of Hankscorpio.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Former captain of the Dark Riders.
  • Former monarch of the flag Dark Road.
  • Former captain of The Dark Marauders.
  • Former monarch of the Lost Dark Cloud.


Best trinket eva!!!
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1 human can beat 50 skellies any day!
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Cookies from Viva, yay!
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In memorie of Flashearrt.
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Lol i'm not renowned in rumble!
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Notable Quotes

  • North is a point that we all pirates tent to follow,but if ye look even further ye'ill find yer real way!
  • Poor of the pirate that recives an original DVD as agift!

Favorite things

  • Favorite trophies:Atlantean explorer,Skellie hunter and Zombie hunter
  • Favorite colors: atlantean and black
  • Favorite sword: Cutlass
  • Favorite bludgeon: Broken bottle
  • Favorite ship: Dhow
  • Favorite mug: Goblet
  • Favorite trinket: Atlantean Band
  • Favorite crew: Frozen
  • Favorite background: Journey on Atlantis
  • Favorite badge: Bravery Badge

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