Burden To Bleed

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Burden To Bleed at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Darthpie
Senior Officer(s) unknown
Politics unknown
Shares unknown
Flag Affiliation unknown
Dormant or disbanded as of 14 February, 2007

Burden To Bleed is a defunct crew which used to sail on the Cobalt Ocean


Burden To Bleed was founded on the 17th August 2006 by Darthpie.

Crew Rules

Although we are a fun crew we do have a few rules of pillaging,

1. Always Ask PTB (permission to board)

2. Always listen to the comanding officer(s)

3. Always do the job ye are ordered To do

4. Never ask to be lookout (a Senior officer will take that job)

5. Never Ask to gun unless You Are Respected or Over

6. Never Laze, Lazing will get You Planked

7. Never Get Booched, That shows you are not working and are lazing

8. Get poor duty rating and it will result in being planked

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