
From YPPedia
Revision as of 10:18, 4 January 2007 by Jenjo921 (talk | contribs)
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Pets button.png
Conservative Tiger
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Big cat colors.png
Trinkets button.png
OM doll
Item box unequip.png
Trinket-Mnemosyne doll.png

Jenjo is a Senior Officer in the crew Relaxed Pirates in the Sunny Places flag. She mostly plays on Midnight but can be found on Cobalt occansionally and on Ice where she uses the name Oyney.

Contributions and Awards / Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Placed 4th in a Shipwright Marathon on Midnight
  • Has a Mnemosyne doll


Jenjo manages Off The Rock, Put a Futon Dry Land and a stall at Picking Knits on Gaea Island for her captain and friend Piranne.


Jenjo started playing on january 4th 2005 and quickly found a place in the crew Relaxed Pirates of the flag Sunny Places. Here she found a bunch of nice mates to chat and play with, without having to bother with ocean politics. Allthough she started out as a Gaea Island citizen she later moved to Guava Island in search of a cottage. There she collects portraits, furniture and trinkets, guarded by a variety of pets. She likes all the puzzles, shipwright and carpentry are her favorites, and is rather obsessed with being good at them. When the oppertunity presents itself she likes kinghunting, pillaging and friendly challenges.


  • Ultimate in distilling
  • Being in the top 10
  • A familiar
  • One of each kind of ship