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Revision as of 19:55, 24 October 2006 by Rissarissa13 (talk | contribs) (Friendsforever)

{{</nowiki>Infobox crew |crewname= Friendsforever| |captain=Ashdo| |seniorofficers=Langert, Bmxrules, Poolabearr, Lilmizzrissa, Ricta and Mallik| |organized=no| |organization=| |oceanname=Hunter| |politics=Autocractic| |shares=Crew Loyalty| |flag=| |founded=October 22, 2006| |foundedday=22| |foundedmonth=October| |foundedyear=2006| |updateday=| |updatemonth=| |updateyear= | }}

RANK AND PROMOTION The following is a list of requirements to be promoted to each rank in a crew in our flag. All crews created in or wishing to join our flag must follow these promotion policies:

CABIN PERSON: Be productive and not annoying.

PIRATE: Narrow in all piracy skills except Rumble.

OFFICER: You must have BROAD in Bilge, Sails and Carpentry and Gunnery,and atleast 2 masters. A Senior Officer must recommend you for training. (Some rare exceptions may be made only at the Captains discretion). Ye must also own a sloop stocked for training (10 rum / 20cb's).

FLEET OFFICER: Once ye been in the game at least a month and ye earn the trust of your captain / senior officers ye may be considered for Fleet Officer. Ye must own a vessel, and must also have met all Officer requirments.

SENIOR OFFICER: SO’s are appointed at the Captains discretion. To be considered for Senior Officer, the person must currently be a fleet officer, have a fairly good knowledge of the game and have a pleasant / helping personality. Only your MAIN pirate is allowed to be SO and ye must have proved your loyalty to the crew (generally through being a fairly active and helpful long term member of the crew). Y e must also have met all Officer, and Fleet Officer requirments.