From YPPedia
Friendsforever at a Glance | |
Hunter Ocean | |
Last Captain | Ashdo |
Senior Officer(s) | Langert, Bmxrules, Poolabearr, Lilmizzrissa, Ricta and Mallik |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Crew Loyalty |
Flag Affiliation | None |
Founded | 22 October, 2006 |
Merged into -Epic- as of 17 May, 2007 | |
Friendsforever was a crew that sailed the Hunter Ocean.
[hide]History of Friendsforever
Friendsforever was founded on 22 October 2006.
Sometime in late 2006 Friendsforever apparantly merged into -Epic-.
Public Statement
Welcome to Friendsforever.
Main Goal: For you to have fun!! and to become an elite crew!! :)
Crew Articles
- No swearing or shouting on ships!
- Do not laze. Only gunners are allowed to laze. We wll ask you three times to get to a station if you don't well it planking time!
- Do not play TD, Swordfight, or rumble when the boat has set sail.
- Listen to the OIC (officer in charge)...
- Always ask PTB(permission to Board) in crew chat before you enter the ship..
- Respect other players and the be nice to fellow crewbies!
- As always HAVE FUN!!
- If you want to join the crew just ask a fellow officer before or after the pilly! We will be glad you have joined!
Promotion Requirements
The following is a list of requirements to be promoted to each rank in the crew:
- Cabin Person: Be productive and not annoying.
- Pirate: Narrow in all piracy skills except Rumble.
- Officer: You must have BROAD in Bilge, Sails and Carpentry and Gunnery,and atleast 2 masters. A Senior Officer must recommend you for training. (Some rare exceptions may be made only at the Captains discretion). Ye must also own a sloop stocked for training (10 rum / 20cb's).
- Fleet Officer: Once ye been in the game at least a month and ye earn the trust of your captain / senior officers ye may be considered for Fleet Officer. Ye must own a vessel, and must also have met all Officer requirments.
- Senior Officer: SO’s are appointed at the Captains discretion. To be considered for Senior Officer, the person must currently be a fleet officer, have a fairly good knowledge of the game and have a pleasant / helping personality. Only your MAIN pirate is allowed to be SO and ye must have proved your loyalty to the crew (generally through being a fairly active and helpful long term member of the crew). You must also have met all Officer, and Fleet Officer requirments.