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This template is for crews. To use, first copy and paste the following into your crew's page.
{{</nowiki>Infobox crew
{{</nowiki>Infobox crew
|crewname= Friendsforever  
|crewname= Friendsforever|
|seniorofficers=Langert, Lilmizzrissa  
|seniorofficers=Langert, Bmxrules, Poolabearr, Lilmizzrissa, Ricta and Mallik|
|shares=Crew Loyalty|
|founded=October 22, 2006|
|updateyear= |
Next, fill in each parameter with your crew's information, placing it between the equals sign and vertical bar/pipe ("|"). If your crew doesn't have an organized political system, put "no" for "organized" and leave "organization" blank. If your crew has an organized political system, put "yes" under "organized" and briefly describe its organization under "organization". For the update fields, use the numeric day, month, and year without any leading zeros. For the 7th of January, 2006, for example, the fields would be:
RANK AND PROMOTION The following is a list of requirements to be promoted to each rank in a crew in our flag. All crews created in or wishing to join our flag must follow these promotion policies:
CABIN PERSON: Be productive and not annoying.
Some spots can be put under different parameter names. For example, ocean can be used instead of oceanname, if desired. Same for crew replacing crewname. The following parameters are optional:
PIRATE: Narrow in all piracy skills except Rumble.
organized (yes/no (defaults to no))
OFFICER: You must have BROAD in Bilge, Sails and Carpentry and Gunnery,and atleast 2 masters. A Senior Officer must recommend you for training. (Some rare exceptions may be made only at the Captains discretion). Ye must also own a sloop stocked for training (10 rum / 20cb's).
organization (defaults to blank)
politics (defaults to Autocratic)
flag (defaults to None)
seniorofficers (defaults to blank)
founded (yes/no (defaults to no))  
After the double bracket— }} —that closes the template, you can write anything you like about your crew. Don't worry about fancy formatting or linkage; there are plenty of people willing and quick to edit.  
Most importantly, we want each crew to have a brief history about it. If your crew has taken part in an exciting blockade, or has suffered losses in a vicious war, write about it.
FLEET OFFICER: Once ye been in the game at least a month and ye earn the trust of your captain / senior officers ye may be considered for Fleet Officer. Ye must own a vessel, and must also have met all Officer requirments.
SENIOR OFFICER: SO’s are appointed at the Captains discretion. To be considered for Senior Officer, the person must currently be a fleet officer, have a fairly good knowledge of the game and have a pleasant / helping personality. Only your MAIN pirate is allowed to be SO and ye must have proved your loyalty to the crew (generally through being a fairly active and helpful long term member of the crew). Y e must also have met all Officer, and Fleet Officer requirments.

Revision as of 19:55, 24 October 2006

{{</nowiki>Infobox crew |crewname= Friendsforever| |captain=Ashdo| |seniorofficers=Langert, Bmxrules, Poolabearr, Lilmizzrissa, Ricta and Mallik| |organized=no| |organization=| |oceanname=Hunter| |politics=Autocractic| |shares=Crew Loyalty| |flag=| |founded=October 22, 2006| |foundedday=22| |foundedmonth=October| |foundedyear=2006| |updateday=| |updatemonth=| |updateyear= | }}

RANK AND PROMOTION The following is a list of requirements to be promoted to each rank in a crew in our flag. All crews created in or wishing to join our flag must follow these promotion policies:

CABIN PERSON: Be productive and not annoying.

PIRATE: Narrow in all piracy skills except Rumble.

OFFICER: You must have BROAD in Bilge, Sails and Carpentry and Gunnery,and atleast 2 masters. A Senior Officer must recommend you for training. (Some rare exceptions may be made only at the Captains discretion). Ye must also own a sloop stocked for training (10 rum / 20cb's).

FLEET OFFICER: Once ye been in the game at least a month and ye earn the trust of your captain / senior officers ye may be considered for Fleet Officer. Ye must own a vessel, and must also have met all Officer requirments.

SENIOR OFFICER: SO’s are appointed at the Captains discretion. To be considered for Senior Officer, the person must currently be a fleet officer, have a fairly good knowledge of the game and have a pleasant / helping personality. Only your MAIN pirate is allowed to be SO and ye must have proved your loyalty to the crew (generally through being a fairly active and helpful long term member of the crew). Y e must also have met all Officer, and Fleet Officer requirments.