YPPedia talk:Searching

From YPPedia

Proposed Deletion

Help on searching YPPedia was already present on the main help page. This article should be deleted, and the help link on the search results page should be updated to link to Help:Contents instead (I'm pretty sure I remember it being that way in the past). As an alternative, the information from Help:Contents could be *moved* (not copied, redundancy is bad even though it's YPPedia's main theme) here, and the section in Help:Contents replaced with a link to this page.

I chose to keep the information in Help:Contents because that article is short, and the help is all in one place. I see no real benefit from separating it right now, searching may not a big enough topic to warrant it's own article.

--Adramolek 15:52, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

  • On second thought it makes more sense just to redirect this article to Help:Contents for now. --Adramolek 16:15, 19 October 2008 (UTC)