YPPedia:2007-02 help desk archive

From YPPedia

diamond crab

well this stinks i counted 10000 crabs that i released i even written it down .....but no trophy so i caried on and countedanother 1500 crabs released but still no trophy ...so i went on and released more crabs i dont no how many cause i gave up counting now but no sine of any trophy the whole thing stinks and i no i done over... way over 10000 crabs so wats going on so 1 plz help?.........

If you check the trophies page on yppedia, http://yppedia.puzzlepirates.com/Trophy, it tells that the diamond crab is given after 15000 crabs, hopefully your close to it, so good luck :)

Coffers / chests

Is there any point in having money in your coffers, rather than your pocket? --Malthus1 08:15, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Yes. It allows you to share money with other people even if they're not online when you are. Be careful, though, never share money with players you don't know and trust. The Ocean Masters will not always reimburse stolen PoE. --Barrister 12:37, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Crew Portrait

How can i upload a saved crew portrait from in game onto my crew's yppedia page, http://yppedia.puzzlepirates.com/The_Forsaken_Ones? Is there a certain format i need to use when uploading it from my computer?--Footbllfan 13:37, 16 February 2007 (PST)