Wonderbri is senior officer of the crew The Dark Side and princess of the flag The Nerds of Sage.
[hide]Short Bio
Wonderbri was only created to be an alt; an alt of Rihannah. But, sadly, an unexpected event happened that led to Wonderbri being the new "Rih".
Why did she make Wonderbri?
- She made her because she was bored at the moment.
- She likes making alts.
Rihannah is really happy that she made Wonderbri because if she didn't, she wouldn't of played puzzle pirates for a while. She couldn't let that happen, so she made Wonderbri to keep playing the game she loves the most.
Friends on Y!PP
Wonderbri has made a lot of pals and best friends on Y!PP. This is the main reason she keeps playing PP: very good, caring, loving friends. (The list is in alphabetical order.)
- Cherreh (Cherrypearls)
- Darkzors (Darrk)
- Dawn (Dawnfire)
- Dibs
- Izzeh (Izzi)
- Miz (Misuni)
- Nikolous
- Prncss (Prncsspirate)
- Red/Qrad (Redmarine)
- Rootbeer
- Shieck
- Sleeeeeeeeepy (Sleepygirl)
- Td (Tdpirate)
- Victoriapink
All of the people listed above are very close friends of Wonderbri.
Y!PP Family
Wonderbri also has a lovely family on Puzzle Pirates.
- Adrpirate (Husband; Love of my life)
- Dibs (Son; He calls me by my first name; A lot of trust)
- Izzi (Sister; Gal Pal xD)
- Dawn (Sister; Fun to hang out with)
- Tdpirate (Brother; The hungry/tired one =P)
- Nikolous (Father; Friendly)
- Misuni (Daughter; Nice and quiet)
Meeting Adrpirate
Rihannah(Wonderbri) was bored one day and decided to bother her Y!PP brother, Tdpirate. Td told Rih that he was helping a friend of his get the hang of the game. Nothing else was said. Several minutes later, Tdpirate invited his sister to his shack. There, Rih saw Td's friend, Adrpirate. Td introduced Rih to Adr and then they started conversing.. for a long time, that is. As Adr and Rih talked more, Rih started to get more comfortable around him. Whenever Tdpirate logged on, Rihannah would always beg Td to ask Adr to log on. Td always did so, secretly telling Adrpirate that his sister liked him. Weeks passed by, and Rihannah was slowly falling in love with Adr. And, apparently, Adr started to fall in love with Rih. But, both were too shy to admit it.. Until one day, Adr gave Rihannah a sweet greeting card, asking her to go out with him. Of course, Rihannah accepted. Together, they stayed with eachother, side by side. They have broken apart once, but got back together again. This very day, they are still with eachother.
Goals for Wonderbri
These are just little goals Wonderbri wanted to share. She will work hard to complete them.
- Obtain a sheep
- Obtain a tan monkey
- Get a portrait with Adrpirate, Izzi, and Tdpirate
- Get her own crew
- Get her own flag
- Succeed in getting Sublime rigging (She loves to rig)