Washington Pirate Party (2006)
Please note that this party is an unofficial gathering for which Three Rings is not responsible.
Thank you to everyone that came to the Meet-Up. It was awesome fun & i truly enjoyed meeting you all!!
Adesh is organizing a party in Lynnwood, Washington at the Hampton Inn & Suites. The event will last from Friday August 18th to Sunday August 20th. I am asking that each pirate pay $45 (prior to Aug. 11th) to cover the meals (BBQ and Pizza), Cypress Room rental for Saturday & goody bags. If paying at check-in it will be $50. Please see the note at made at the bottom of the page
(Once you put yourself on the confirmed list, please email me at Adeshy@comcast.net or catch me under ms_national on Yahoo!messenger or MSN so I can get your main pirate's name. We're making goodie bags)
- Adesh
- Aquakitty
- Auntdeedee
- Fizz
- Calyx
- Javoch
- Blackfletch
- Pixieboot
- Truvie
- Clementine
- Emberdrake
- Rastabelle
- Blackfletchs plus
- Ilande
- Stardog
- Katstar
- Margareet
- Homiedirt
- Tyreny
- Alyssandra
- Pirarian
- Ladyscarlet
- Chaska
- Jonnyreb
- Dixy
- Azureblue
- Chicka
- Klank
- Ji (won't need a room)
- Alyleth (day trippin)
- Rustee (no room needed)
- Yreeka
- Julianne
- Daffodile
- Hawksfan
- Drakulic
- Duchess
- Emberdrake
- Montblanc (won't be needing a room)
- Bishophawke
- Smarto
- Scurvycrab
- Montblanc
- Jalan
- Danilynna (brief drop in)
- Meuryc (brief drop in)
- Brute
- Bunnienys (at least Saturday, no room)
- Sundancer (won't be needing a room)
- DamienRoc (Briefly, on Saturday evening)
- Mortebella
- Stephensam (won't be needing a room)
- Jaelan (won't need a room)
- Janthina
- Hempbinder
- Dadawg
- Dinayscow
Lynnwood, Washington @ Hampton Inn & Suites
This hotel is just 20 minutes from Downtown Seattle, Downtown Everett and Downtown Bellevue and only 40 minutes from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac Airport)
- Has Complimentary High-Speed Internet Access;
- Beautiful lobby, comfortable library with fireplace
- Indoor pool and large hot tub in a spacious, bright atrium, open 24 hours
- Fully equipped business center.
- 24-hour fitness center and complimentary passes to a private health club
- Gas barbecue and patio for guests' enjoyment
- On-site convenience shop for snacks, drinks, sundries and frozen foods
If you have any ideas, list them here!
Rates are as follows: (Each room reservation comes with free continental breakfast, but if you have people doing the floor thing, they won't get the breakfast, so you'll have to figure that out on your own) $109 for a room with a Standard King (king bed w pull out couch) or Double Queen ( 2 Queen beds); or $139 for King suite (King Bed w pull out couch). We talked it over and decided that in general, $65 (aprox) per night for 2 people in a room or $45 (aprox) if 4 sharing a room, so get cozy! Don't worry, they're HUGE beds and it's a good general price for all the rooms. They're BEAUTIFUL rooms. It's well worth it. Reserve the rooms online then call the hotel to have the room moved under the Puzzle Pirate block.
- Games!! Drunken Bingo; Best Pirate Outfit; Sunken Treasure, Design a sloop then have a blockade & more!
- There are a couple of surprises up my sleeve, so it's going to be great!
- YPP face to face tournies - AKA "OH!! So THAT'S how you do that!" lessons. Finally learn how to play those games you are clueless about! Hearts, spades, Texas Hold Em, Treasure Drop, by playing on the laptops with others helping!
Friday August 18th
- 5-7 pm Daily Evening Manager's reception offering hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine and soft drinks
- 7 pm Arrive @ hotel & pick-up goodies from Adesh
- 8 pm Meet-N-Greet Dinner in my suite
Saturday August 19th
In Cypress Room - 8am - 10pm
- Complimentary Hot American breakfast bar - grab your food & come into the Cypress Room (please note the breakfast is ONLY for those staying at the hotel)
- 8 am - 10 pm Games, swimming, meals, reception, etc
- 1 pm Dinner Longhorn BBQ.
- Rustler dinner - includes Ribs, Chicken & German Sausage; Potato & Macaroni Salad; barbecue beans; barbecue sauce; bread and beverage. Beverages include assorted pop and bottled water.
- 5-7 pm Daily Evening Manager's reception offering hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine and soft drinks
- 5 pm pirate costume party
- 7 pm Pizza Party
- After Dinner party antics
- YPP face to face tournies - AKA "OH!! So THAT'S how you do that!" lessons. Finally learn how to play those games you are clueless about! Hearts, spades, Texas Hold Em, Treasure Drop, by playing on the laptops with others helping!
Sunday August 20th
- Complimentary Hot American breakfast bar
- 8 am - Noon hang out in the suite & party
- Check out and goodbyes
If you are flying in here is the cheapest shuttle service
A huge thank you to everyone that attended. We had around 45 people that showed :-) I am sorry i wasn't a better hostess. I got a wee bit over-tired & fried. Also muscle relaxers work like alcohol on me. Relax both the mouth & actions :-/
ok a group shot - no where near everyone http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/9819/groupshotly9.jpg
Please fill in the ?? if you can identify them..
Front row L to R: Auntdeedee, Aquakitty, Jalan, Sundancer, Montblanc, Stevensam, Truvie, Pixieboot
Second row: Calyx, Adesh, Fizz, ??, ??, Smarto, Scurvycrab, Chicka, Azureblue, Yreeka (holding Kenny Joe, Jonnyreb and Dixy's son)
In front of Azureblue is Margareet, then to the right is Javoch
Group of 6 on the left: ??, ??, EmberDrake, Duchess, Drakulic, ?? (redhead in the front of the group of 6)
Back row: Homiedirt, Tyreny, Alyssandra, Stardog, Hotchocolate(Katstar), Johnjuan, Bishophawke, Jonnyreb
Very back two: Dixy (holding Beckylu) and Brute
Auntdeedee and Fizz's observations of the top 10 things said at the Washington YPP meet up:
10. Hi, my name is Stardog.
9. Bingo!
8. ...and drink
7. Rum... tooo much rum
6. Hey kid, are you trying to upstage me?
5. Calyx makes a good lookin woman.
4. Where's Adesh?
3. Yarrrr!
2. Are you a pirate??
and number ONE...
Hi, my name is Stardog.
Other Links
I uploaded my pics to my websight, click here and go to "when pirates meet in real life"