
From YPPedia

All About Wararia


Wararia joined the malachite ocean on the 03/12/2011

He is an experienced pirate with almost 2 years experience.

He used to play on the pirate Rebeldog but long since lost the password and forgot the email registered to it.

He joined the Crew: Nefarious Miscreants on the 03/12/2011

He was moved to the rank Pirate instantly

Now he is working towards broad in all piracy skills and then solid.

Current Rank

  • Captain
  • Senior officer
  • Fleet officer
  • Officer
  • Pirate
  • Cabin person
  • Jobbing pirate

Recent Achievements

Bilging = Silver Crab - 04/12/2011

Gunning = Broad - 04/12/2011

Opened Shoppe = Weavery - 03/12/2011