From YPPedia


What in the seven seas is WGGB? WGGB (When Greeters Get Bored) is a small group of people on Viridian, created by Lilcandi, who make Y!PP movies, kinda like short stories.

We write scripts, act it out, add music and sound effects, etc. The coolest part is, this is all worked on by Greeters and only Greeters. That's why it's called When GREETERS Get Bored.

+WGGB's Members+

Lilcandi - Director/Script Writer/Actor/Editor/Owner

Alecia - Co-Owner/Co-Director/Co-Script Writing/Actor

Kiasha - Actor

Mastermax - Actor

Winter - Actor

Alexisangel - Actor

+Our Movies+

Cinederella Part 1

Cinderella Part 2

Cinderella Part 3

Cinderella Part 4 -new!

+Important Links+

WGGB forum thread

Our Website & Movies

+How To Join+

We are not publicly asking for members. We don't need any right now.. however. If you fill out the form on the page here, we will consider it, or we will contact you to place minor parts in our movies. YOU MUST HAVE VIRIDIAN AS YOUR MAIN OCEAN.