User talk:Shirato
Ahoy Xfinniganx. This message is regarding the page Finnigan. We're sorry, but your article is not suitable for the YPPedia because it does not fit in with our policies and guidelines regarding individual Pirate Pages, and the Vanity Guidelines. Your page has been marked for deletion.
After reading over all the links, if you feel that your pirate is noteworthy enough to be included in the YPPedia (for example if it is regarding a monarch, governor, captain, island designer, or a winners of a familiar contest), then please feel free to contact me on my talk page for the deletion page to be removed. If it isn't, then please consider moving your page to your personal user page
Thank you for your contribution, and I hope that you will make many more valuable additions in the future! --Nicksterv (t/c) 14:33, 9 March 2006 (PST)
- Ahoy! I can confirm that your page "Finnigan" was deleted by an administrator on March 22 as a vanity page. Here is the content in case you wish to keep it: "Finnigan has been playing on Viridian for a year now. He is a former royal of IDLD and has been in many crews. He is no longer involved in flag politics and crew politics. He also plays on Sage ocean as Fenchi. The swordfighting drunk." For more information on vanity pages, please see the links above. Thanks! --Nicksterv (t/c) 13:36, 5 June 2006 (PDT)
På tide du gjør noe med User siden din :) --Kinocha 07:20, 5 June 2006 (PDT)
Oversette sider til norsk
Jeg driver å oversetter noen av sidene til norsk. Har begynt med Starting out. Can du se på det jeg har gjort? Gjerne fortsett med deler jeg ikke har kommet til, eller begynn på en annen side. --Kinocha 17:48, 30 June 2006 (PDT)
- Kan du komme på en bedre oversettelse av "puzzle" enn "puslespill"? Er det nærmeste jeg kommer, og jeg føler at det er helt feil. En annen ting. Du kan signere det du sier på "talk" sider ved å skrive --~~~~. Gjør det litt lettere for alle andre å se hvem det er :) --Kinocha 16:50, 17 July 2006 (PDT)
Ja, bare rett de. Vi vill selvfølgelig ha alt rett :) Da går jeg for puslespill, og kommer til å bruke det konsekvent. Får heller putte en notis i talk siden når alt er klart. --Kinocha 14:52, 18 July 2006 (PDT)
Your Pirate's page
Ello Finnigan. :) You may find YPPedia:PirateBlank to be useful while you create your page. You can copy and paste the bits of the code you need to help it look more professional. Also, portrait images for pirate pages are uploaded with the name Pirates-Finnigan.jpg with the proper Image Tag. In this case, it'd be {{portrait image}}. Unfortunately, images can't be renamed, but if you reupload it, an admin can zap the old file. Have fun! --Zava 18:26, 15 July 2006 (PDT)
- Grah, I'm sorry. I should know better then to make comments while distracted. Disregard what I said about the pirate page - somehow I missed that you were actually editing your User: page. Do whatever you want there; it's your space. Sorry, and I hope I didnt confuse the issue too much? --Zava 18:30, 15 July 2006 (PDT)
Ok, try this? Hopefully that makes more sense - you can pretty much ignore the formatting and just search for the text you need to edit, like the "Ahoy, I'm Finnigan" part. :) --Zava 18:47, 15 July 2006 (PDT)
Heya! I did warn you that my fix last night was a bit of a cheat. ;) Add in __NOTOC__ to remove the table of contents. --Zava 06:45, 16 July 2006 (PDT)
Re: Your user page
There isn't really much point in adding your referral link to your wiki user page, because it is unlikely that new players will see your page before playing the game. It is really designed for your own personal web pages, to encourage people to link to YPP. Thanks! --Nicksterv 05:47, 11 August 2006 (PDT)
- No problem. There's not acutally a way to make images linkable to a different website using the mediawiki software though. (if it's a local image, it'll get linked to the image page). You're free to put nearly anything on your User: page, unless it's offensive, but I just thought it was kind of an odd addition :) --Nicksterv 03:15, 12 August 2006 (PDT)
User page -> mainspace?
As everyone can now have a pirate page, maybe you would want to move your pirate page to the mainspace of yppedia. If you don't know how, just drop me a line! --Whitemonkey 06:37, 14 November 2006 (PST)
- I've made the page for you - Finnigan. Hope you like it! In the mainspace you do need to use 3rd person, and also if you could update some more information about Finnigan (such as what crews/flags you've been in, why did you choose a particular crew etc) that would be grand. If you need any more help, drop me a line again! --Whitemonkey 02:54, 15 November 2006 (PST)
Don't worry about the comment on the Finnigan talk page. It was actually from back in March when the policies were different regarding pirate pages. Please do continue to work on your page and have fun. --Guppymomma 06:58, 15 November 2006 (PST)
Avatar image filenames
Ahoy, we will have to delete a the image that you uploaded because it does not use the correct filename format. As we can't renamed images, you will need to reupload your image using a corrected filename. The guidelines for avatar uploads to YPPedia can be found here. Let me know if you have further questions about filenames. --Guppymomma 06:29, 14 July 2007 (PDT)
Ah, yes. I uploaded the file and thought about changing its name, but didin't think it would matter too much. I uploaded a new version of the file called avatar-Salmon-Shirato.png . I hope that's alright? Sorry for the inconvenience. --Finnigan 08:28, 14 July 2007 (PDT)
- That'll suffice, thanks! Next time use the artist's forum name if you know it. I changed the format on the Shirato page to use a gallery for the avatars section. It's fairly self-explanatory, but let me know if you need help figuring out the format for additional avatars. --Guppymomma 08:56, 14 July 2007 (PDT)
Ah! Thanks a lot. It looks great. I just saw someone adding his avatars like I did, so I didn't put much thought to it. Your gallery looks much, much better, though. I also understood how to add more images, so that won't be a problem. Or, I would assume not. I'll re-update the image to say Stonekrush instead of Salmon, then. I just usually use the pirate name when talking about someone, but I can see how the other is more convenient here. Cheers! --Finnigan 10:58, 14 July 2007 (PDT)