User talk:Mosf
Popcicle came ashore in November 2006. He joined Der Kaiserlich Fuhrer which was lead by Schaef but it didn't last long he soon left and join a friends crew.
He thought he was in the best crew ever until he jobbed for Pouncing Piranhas he wanted to join but didn't have the time. A day later he was asked to join the crew. He accepted the offer and went and joined them. Under the guidence of Trythis and Dlonelyone he soon raised up the ranks till Senior Officer. After a week or so of being Senior Officer he became a Lord of the crew United we Stand. He has now been in the crew for 4-13 months.
He sails the seas in serch of booty hoping to one day come face to face with a bk to show them what he's made of.
One day he hopes to make a crew and a flag and take over CONGLIN!!!