
From YPPedia

Yokomoko started his voyage around June 2004 with just one thought in his mind, "this game won't keep me occupied for long", oh how wrong was he! 2005 was probably the the most eventfull year for him since he started, he found his very first crew, very first piratey friends, which of course.. includes High Tuna, of which was shared between him and a very early (Still Lime!) Branflakes, of which Yokomoko later come to own fully and painted her the awesome Lime, Blue of which she still is now. As I go on to speak about Yokomoko's life story you will be in for a great voyage of fun, excitemnt and drama! Read on!

Yokomoko's Life Story

It all began as you all know on a late Springtime evening of March 2005. He was kean to knowand explore the vast horizons he was about to discover. But it all started from one little jobbing of which shaped Yokomoko's pirating world FOREVER! A job with the once mighty Lonedragon and Coolodd. The very first pillage he ever took hold of a big long wet brown bilge pole, the journey was tough, but not trechorous! We survived and plundered a respectable amount of booty from those dirty Brigand! Back on the dry land I knew and loved, to bank my wonderful winnings, when Lonedragon, the captain of 'The Triumvirate' came also to the bank, YoKoMoKo, the greenie he was, asked if there was any more voyages going out, Lonedragon invited Yokomoko to join a a full member and logged off for dinner.

He met a lot of very nice and kind people during his time with 'The Triumvirate', some which remain a faint blur in his imagination, the ones he remember are, Harre (still playing strong), Branflakes (Unfortunately found himself in the wrath of World Of Warcraft) Daviejoans (Still, to my knowledge still playing, but not in contact, they recontacted about May 2005, but found he had changed and wasn't as nice anymore >.<) Lonedragon (Still possibly playing on Sage, he was when he last saw him) Dantes (Come back to Sage with Lonedragon, later quit due to work related problems) (The 3 being brothers) Coolodd (Turned out not so nice, more on that later, possibly still thriving on Sage / Hunter) TTPenna (Still aliveon Viridian I beleive)

And there were loads more!

After the Disapearance of Dantes, Leader of the flag, and the break of Lonedragon, CoolOdd was in charge, due to some crap rules and demotions and mutiny, Yokomoko, Harre, TTPenna and Branflakes all ventured in to the unknown world of planning a new crew, by the time Fallen Souls was formed it was the end of April 05 (Possibly beginning of May), though the crew's profile says more around November 04. But whatever, the date was between there. The crew thrived in a very short period of time, at around the July period (going by Fallen Souls profile again) Yokomoko captained the Fallen Souls, its previous Captain being Harre, Yokomoko carried Fallen Souls on for a fair time not really improving or unimproving the crew, but debating upon which flag to join, Dantes, Lonedragon, and Coolodd ( Now named Aldelmo for a change of image) planned for big things with their new flag, but however Yokomoko decided to stick with Shadow Company hoping to create stronger bonds and possibly helping the flag take over an island.

After a fair couple of months of being Captain, and under pressure from one of much needed Senior Officers saying they are going to make their own Flag and Crew, he decided to hand the crew over to her, and she made Fallen Souls bigger than ever, more information in SALTAKE's and FALLEN SOULS's pofiles.

Yokomoko happily stayed with Fallen Souls loyally until a fued in Saltake's flag set off, and Yokomoko snuck out through the iactve times of the evening with a goodbye message. He went crewless and in and out of crews for a few weeks and ended back at Fallen Souls once more for a while longer. He then joined Unbreakable Metal Fleet, owned by an ex-newbie Fallen Souls recruit. In around october time, he obtained an eye patch in a Coglin blockade. He stayed there for a little while, then stopped playing in a little break period.

Yokomoko returned in the New Year with new aspirations, by this time I beleive the new drinking game with mugs had been created, he bought himself a cheap mug, went on the tables obtained Ultimate, got bored and changed his mug, and started losing. The game was dull in the life of Yokomoko and he sat on his High Tuna memorial ship (highER tuna) and drank rum! (Stopped playing for a few months) , until a mighty good hearty private messaged him, from Sat-Nav. "Redslady says: Theres poker in Puzzle Pirates!"


Yokomoko was fast in action in word of he news! He shot to the inns with the little PoE he had and pokered it, it was at this time he realized he didnt know very much about true poker playing despite playing it alot elseware. Harre, being the poker legend tought Yoko with tips and handouts for a little while, improving day-by-day. In the early summer(or late spring!) Yokomoko became so cnfident he knew enough about poker that he went to the largest tables with all he had. He won a fair amount and was pleased to have tried it. A short period later Yokomoko had hit his first million.

But lost it all a few weeks later.

Yokomoko has been a millionaire 4 times to date, suddenly being struck with sudden bursts of luck from other players. At this period in time he is hoping to acheive a million and beyond this time, over 6 months on in January 2007.

Acheivements to date

First person ever to reach Jubilee island by boat, they ran out of most stick from Dragons Nest - Tiger Leaf Mountain, Tigerleaf mountain had nothing then.

Obtained 1.9million. Has had over 4million in clothes, portraits, ships and cash. Millionaire 4 times. Paragon Poker on two characters.

His 'Infamous Colours'

Black and Violet has always been his colours <3