
From YPPedia
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Wolfdale is a fleet officer in the crew "Sharkbait pirates" and is looking to hire new recruits. He likes to come online in his free time (quite a lot) and favours the blacksmithing and navigating puzzle. He plays on the Viridian ocean and can be found mostly around the Lima Island area.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • A lot of badges
  • Working on it ^.^


Sometimes he experiences long periods of inactivity in which he is either having school related issues, computer issues, or addicted to a game other than YPP. He often takes time off to laze about while playing multiple other console games such as Unreal Tournament 3 on the Xbox360 or Half-life on the PS2. He is quite a good swordfighter, knowing how to efficiently combo but unfortunatley is not the greatest rumbler due to the lack of a bludgeon.

Wolfdale currently owns a sloop named the "Stupid Gar" and loves the name. Wolfdale currently owns an ironmonger on Lima Island.

If you have any tips for wolfdale please do not hesitate to message him on viridian.