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Hi! Welcome to my page. I hope that you are comfortable (snicker snicker) and that you enjoy this page.

Before I begin...

I am not a subscriber, but I still feel like I getting a full experience of the game without spending money. So a note to new players, if you don't want to spend money, play on a subscriber ocean because even though you are slightly limited, you can get a lot more stuff for free. And one more thing, I hope that made sense to you :)


But enough about that. This is my page and this page is about me not why I think you should play on a subscriber ocean. And who am I? Well, to start, I play the pirate Noon on the Midnight ocean. And I have to say that Puzzle Pirates is about the best online game that I've played. I have also played a bit of Bang! Howdy, though I don't think that it's all that great in comparison. Also, i am gripping the edge of my chair the the release of Whirl (Three Rings' new project).