
From YPPedia

Ahoy everyone! Im Trevt, SO in the Midnight crew Sublime Sojas, and I'm the tech guy for me crew. I manage me crew's website, post crew news to our crew's issues board, and, with the recent status turn of The Sublime Sojas to Established, I'm pretty sure I'll be running the blog for the Sublime Empire, too :)

Im not all pirate, though. On the Ice Ocean, I RULE at Rumble (of course, that's with Skull Rings :) and am Distinguished (or sometimes better) at SFing. Come meet me at (on the Midnight Ocean) Jacobmillson's Cabin on Gaea Island (I'm his roommate and SO) or (on the Ice Ocean) Ttoryk's Cabin on Eieio Island.

"No, of course I'm not famous!! But I hope to be there, sitting in the Monarch's Throne!"