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Stevedrago started on the Viridian Ocean and worked his way up to captain of Black Diamond, a crew in the flag Von Grey. After the flag disbanded he took a break, came back and jobbed for many crews.

After a while Stevedrago got bored and started pvping. He bumped right into the one and only Panteraa. Stevedrago pillaged Panteraa's rum after beating him with a cutter against a war brig. Panteraa pulled Tibarne (Stevedrago's pirate on Sage) to Sage where he joined the new crew Panteraa made. He worked his way up to fleet officer, and lord of Notorious. Tibarne befriended Snowwhite and many of the flag members.

After a terrible conflict between two pirates, Ticklers left the flag.

Contributions and Accomplishments

-Event planner of:

-Owned the deed to the Estate on Olive Island on Viridian

-Got an honorable mention in the Pirate of the Caribiean spoof contest

Events Hosted

-Myth + Ocean Master =? Event Link