Hi, and welcome to this page. I hope you will read it, remember it, and find it worth having read. Now I should probably put a summary of myself.
I play mainly on the Viridian ocean, as Veralidaine. There I am an officer of the crew Ookville. In the past, I have been a fleet officer of the crew White, a cabin person/pirate of the crew Last Stand (which I think has recently been renamed as Barrelstoppers), a pirate of the crew The Elder Scrolls, and a member of several other crews that I cannot remember the names of.
I am currently saving up for a sloop and a stall. My main goal on this ocean is to be a captain of a crew, as well as royalty of a flag.
I also play on the Sage ocean as Abriella. There I am in the crew Forget About It. So far I have found it a good crew, although I have only been in it for several hours. I'll put what I think of it here once I have a more informed opinion of it.
If you have read my section on Veralidaine, you will probably know that I have been in quite a few crews. I have left them all for good reasons. Most of them had respect/equality problems. I left the crew White because I wasn't contributing. I left the crew The Elder Scrolls because they had quite a few rules that weren't mentioned anywhere.
If you are wanting me to join your crew, I hope you will keep this in mind before, and when, asking me to. I will not join if you are completely irresponsible, disrespectful, lacking in equality, unorganized, or lacking in ways for me to contribute. I am looking for good crews, and only good crews.
Everything Else
If you have actually read all of this, then I must say thank you, a million times over. Again, I hope you will remember it and find it worth having read.
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