The Seven Deadly Sloops
As an admonition about the dangers of immorality, King Pishkirlin is currently committed to build a fleet of seven sloops, renamed after the seven deadly sins, also known as Seven Deadly Sloops. The name of those vessels is formed by an adjective related to each sin and the fish name "Dragon" (Romanian for Greater weever, Trachinus draco). This name has been chosen in honor of dragon-slayer Saint George, patron saint of the crew.
In Christianity, the Medieval Biblical interpretation of the Devil being associated with the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve, gave a snake-like dragon connotations of evil and thus of sin.
List of the Seven Deadly Sloops
- Sloth: Lethargic Dragon, formerly known as Hospitable Plaice;
- Wrath: Rabid Dragon, formerly known as Well-bahaved Bass;
- Lust: yet not assigned;
- Greed: yet not assigned;
- Gluttony: yet not assigned;
- Envy: yet not assigned;
- Pride: yet not assigned.