Welcome to Paluka's User Page
For my pirate page, see Paluka
Last updated on 28/02/2012.
You shall not edit this page. There is a link named "Discuss this page" up there. Now it's said.
Woah...this is indeed a long header
.: Contact :.
In case you want to talk
- Forum Profile
- In-game :
- Paluka, mainly on Meridian
- Email : Yeah, I have one :P
.: Most Frequent Gaming Time :.
Time in Pirate Time (UTC-8)
- Now with more randomness!
.: Paluka's (Very Random) Quotes :.
I do have something to say...sometimes.
- "Be right back in 30 seconds and a half."
- Insert random rant :(
.: Links :.
Because it's quicker.
.: Languages :.
Because not all of us speaks only english
fr | Le français est la langue maternelle de cette personne. |
[hide]About Me
Real Life Me
I am your average 24 years old girl. I'm a french canadian, but I do understand english pretty well. I'm quite shy, so I tend to wait for others to talk to me instead of taking the initiative to talk to the others. I'm like this, sorry! (I also have this kind of habit to always apologize. Here I would say "Sorry!" if I wasn't trying to stop to apologize every 5 minutes)
Puzzle Pirates Me
I started playing in 2005 or 2006. Back then, I didn't play a lot, I guess that is why I have a hard time to get high puzzle ratings.
Now, I usually play Puzzle Pirates on an almost daily basis. My favorite puzzles are Carpentry, Blacksmithing and Duty navigation. I also like Bilge and Alchemy, but I hate sailing. I'm not a great gunner, but I'm working on it. When not on a boat, I like to play Treasure Drop and Hearts. I'm also trying to get better at Poker, but I tend to lose a lot.
I actually enjoy taking a job on an Atlantis runs every now and then. I do enjoy a little voyage to Cursed Isles too. And I LOVE pillaging with my crew. They're real love :)
I kind of took a forum break lately because of a lack of time...
As boring as it can sound, I wish to get a standing of at least Renowned in all piracy puzzles. It is quite a challenge, considering the fact that I simply HATE sailing.
- Carpentry
- Duty Navigation
- Rigging (Going between Master/Renowned)
- Bilging (Going between Master/Renowned)
- Treasure Haul
Working On
- Swordfighting (But nowhere close to get it)
- Rumble
Far far far ... far away XD
Aw, so much things I don't like/Can't do :(
- Sailing
- Gunning
- Battle Navigation
I discovered that I love D-nav puzzle. So I started to mem the ocean. I don't want to count every single LP in the ocean, so I decided to count the number of complete route I've memorized.
- Onyx : 7/26
- Garnet : 17/24
- Jade : 7/27
- Inter-archipelago : 3/3