
From YPPedia

Nindogc started playing Puzzle Pirates in October, as a suggestion from a heartie of his, Captainmarth. He then steadily got interested in all the puzzles and activities to do. He resides on Gaea Island on the Midnight Ocean with his pet rat Nips.

He later subscribed on October 31st and has been playing the previously unplayed puzzles like Alchemistry and Blacksmithing and raising in the ranks since then.

He joined Captainmarth's residing crew, Vampyromaniacs Reborn in the same day as joining. The crew is soundly run by Keladrey, a jolly fellow if he says so himself. Keladrey rules with the leadership of a true captain if he ever saw one he says. He got promoted to the rank of Pirate on October 31st and is awaiting promotion to Officer as he has met requirements to be promoted.
