User:Lancecorso/Sage Guerrilla Army

From YPPedia
Sage Guerrilla Army at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Captain Robertwelsh
Senior Officer(s) ?
Politics ?
Shares ?
Flag Affiliation None
Last updated on 6 June, 2007

The Sage Guerrilla Army is a Sage Ocean crew which is not yet created but after the captain Robertwelsh gets a badge, then the crew will begin.


  • Cabin person - The captain views this rank as a punishment. Members only receive this when they have broken all the crew rules.
  • Pirate - The standard rank of the crew, given to pirates once they join.
  • Senior officer - Given to any pirate once they have a solid in Swordfighting, any of the duty puzzles and earns the captain's trust
  • Captain - Pirates should not even ask if they can be it



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