User:Kgarrett1969/Sandbox/Sample Crew Page
The code box below contains a sample crew page with appropriate formatting codes.
Note: Anything contained enclosed by <!-- --> is treated as a comment by the wiki and will not be displayed on a live page and can be deleted from when copying in order to set up a new page.
{{Infobox crew |crewname= SampleCrew |captain= [[YPPedia:Sample pirate page|SamplePirate]] |seniorofficers= SampleSOa, SampleSOb, SampleSOc |organized= no |organization= |oceanname= Ice |politics= Autocratic |shares= Even |flag= [[YPPedia:Sample flag page|SampleFlag]] |founded= yes |foundedday= 1 |foundedmonth= 1 |foundedyear= 2006 |updateday= 1 |updatemonth= 11 |updateyear= 2006 }} <!--Another short summary. Bold the first instance of '''SampleCrew''', and only the first instance. Including and linking the [[Ice Ocean|Ocean]] and [[YPPedia:Sample flag page|SampleFlag]] gets the linking out of the way so you can just focus on text in the main article. Example:--> '''SampleCrew''' is a totally ficticious [[crew]] that sails the [[Ice Ocean|Ocean]] that was founded on 31 December 2000. The crew currently flies the [[flag]] of [[YPPedia:Sample flag page|SampleFlag]]. == History of SampleCrew == <!--This is best done in paragraph form. Write down some history. Events are important, but reasons make history. Flag moves, crew mergers, splits, comings and goings all go here. Try to keep a neutral eye towards history - if Blaaarghbeard left with three of the SOs, it's important to tell that story, but not to villainize Blaaarghbeard. What's the point of the crew? Do you pillage or keep shop? Train greenies or hire yourselves out as blockade mercs? Has the crew's focus changed over time. That info should be here. Have you moved archipelagos, or try to maintain an oceanwide presense? If you need more subheaders here, take them! See [[Black Opal]], [[Ransack Marauders]], and [[Silver Dragon Trading Co]] for examples of good information to put on a crew page. By their nature, crew pages will be more variable than the pirate pages. For example, some crews require multiple infoboxes for different oceans! See the [[Template:Infobox crew|crew infobox template]] for more information. Everything in this sections should be in chronological order and make use of paragraphs for logically separate events. Example:--> '''SampleCrew''' was founded on 31 December 2004 by [[YPPedia:Sample pirate page|FoundingCaptain]] and [[YPPedia:Sample pirate page|SamplePirate]]. On 2 February 2005 the crew joined the flag [[YPPedia:Sample flag page|AnotherSampleFlag]]. In early March of 2005 due to disputes over PvP with allied crews SampleCrew chose to leave the flag and sail as an independent crew. On 15 July 2005 the crew joined SampleFlag and started planning for the [[blockade]] of SomeIsland. During the blockade of SomeIsland on 26 July 2005, SampleCrew was instrumental in helping SampleFlag in taking the island by providing the majority of the flags jobbers and paying for all supplies required for the blockade. === Contributions / Activities (heading name variable) === <!--* Bullet list or paragraph * List some major events the crew has hosted * If the crew has won any crew-level accolades, list those here too Example:--> * Hosted a Special [[Grand Frigate]] open to the entire ocean on 22 July 2005 to celebrate the successful blockade of SomeIsland. * During August of 2005 hosted weekly greenie pillage to help new players become familiar with proper pillaging edicate. === Captaincy (very optional) === <!--# If the crew maintains a list of its leadership, captains and dates could provide good history Example:--> # SampleSOa (October 2005-January 2006) # SamplePirate (January 2006-Present) == Public Statement == <!--Should probably only be listed if it's exceptional in some way, but each crew probably thinks its statement is exceptional, or else they wouldn't have penned it! Frequently-changing statements should not be listed, due to the difficulty of tracking and updating them. In this author's opinion, if the information can be included in the article text, it should be there instead of here. Example:--> Ahoy there ye salty sea dogs! Welcome to SampleCrew. We be a band of tough pirates that sail the seas in search of wealth and fun. All pirates are welcome to pillage with us. So come on and hit the Apply for a job with our crew and enjoy a grand time of pillaging. == Crew Articles (Optional List of Crew Rules) == <!--#Article 1 #Article 2 #Article 3 #Article 4 #Article . . . Example:--> #Mates are expected to ask Persmission to Board (PtB) when boarding a ship at sea. #No cursing, swearing or rude behavior. #No lazing without the permission of the Officer in Charge (OiC) #Remeber at all times this is a game and have some fun. ==Promotion Requirements (Optional List of Crew Promotion Guidelines) == <!--*[[Cabin Person]]: Any Pirate that requests full membership as long as they do so in Port. *[[Pirate]]: Any Pirate that is a Subscriber or Owns a Pirate Badge. *[[Officer]]: List of Training requirements and any Skill requirements. *[[Fleet Officer]]: List of any skill and recommendation requirements. *[[Senior Officer]]: List of any skill and the crew's captain's personal requirements. Example:--> *[[Cabin Person]]: Ask the OiC after booty has been divided in port. *[[Pirate]]: Purchase a subscription and inform an off duty officer and have Narrow in [[Carpentry]], [[Sailing]] and [[Bilging]]. *[[Officer]]: Complete crew training and hold Broad/Respected in [[Battle Navigation]] and Master in at least two Duty Puzzles. *[[Fleet Officer]]: Be an Officer in good standing for a period of 3 weeks, have Renowned in Battle Navigation, Grand-Master in all two Duty Puzzles and Master in all other Duty Puzzles. *[[Senior Officer]]: Be a Fleet Officer in good standing for a period of 3 weeks, have a Legendary in Battle Navigation, Grand-Master in all Duty Puzzles and the willingness to take on responsiblilies for the crew like training new officers. == External Links (Optional List of Links to External Pages of the Crew) == [ Crew Forums] <!--Categories will be automatically added by the infobox template.-->
The above code examples produces the following page:
SampleCrew is a totally ficticious crew that sails the Ocean that was founded on 31 December 2000. The crew currently flies the flag of SampleFlag.
[hide]History of SampleCrew
SampleCrew was founded on 31 December 2004 by FoundingCaptain and SamplePirate.
On 2 February 2005 the crew joined the flag AnotherSampleFlag. In early March of 2005 due to disputes over PvP with allied crews SampleCrew chose to leave the flag and sail as an independent crew.
On 15 July 2005 the crew joined SampleFlag and started planning for the blockade of SomeIsland.
During the blockade of SomeIsland on 26 July 2005, SampleCrew was instrumental in helping SampleFlag in taking the island by providing the majority of the flags jobbers and paying for all supplies required for the blockade.
Contributions / Activities (heading name variable)
- Hosted a Special Grand Frigate open to the entire ocean on 22 July 2005 to celebrate the successful blockade of SomeIsland.
- During August of 2005 hosted weekly greenie pillage to help new players become familiar with proper pillaging edicate.
Captaincy (very optional)
- SampleSOa (October 2005-January 2006)
- SamplePirate (January 2006-Present)
Public Statement
Ahoy there ye salty sea dogs! Welcome to SampleCrew. We be a band of tough pirates that sail the seas in search of wealth and fun. All pirates are welcome to pillage with us. So come on and hit the Apply for a job with our crew and enjoy a grand time of pillaging.
Crew Articles (Optional List of Crew Rules)
- Mates are expected to ask Persmission to Board (PtB) when boarding a ship at sea.
- No cursing, swearing or rude behavior.
- No lazing without the permission of the Officer in Charge (OiC)
- Remeber at all times this is a game and have some fun.
Promotion Requirements (Optional List of Crew Promotion Guidelines)
- Cabin Person: Ask the OiC after booty has been divided in port.
- Pirate: Purchase a subscription and inform an off duty officer and have Narrow in Carpentry, Sailing and Bilging.
- Officer: Complete crew training and hold Broad/Respected in Battle Navigation and Master in at least two Duty Puzzles.
- Fleet Officer: Be an Officer in good standing for a period of 3 weeks, have Renowned in Battle Navigation, Grand-Master in all two Duty Puzzles and Master in all other Duty Puzzles.
- Senior Officer: Be a Fleet Officer in good standing for a period of 3 weeks, have a Legendary in Battle Navigation, Grand-Master in all Duty Puzzles and the willingness to take on responsiblilies for the crew like training new officers.
External Links (Optional List of Links to External Pages of the Crew)