
From YPPedia

Jacada first began playing mid 2005 on cobalt, when he spent a month of two with the same crew, he later realised Cobalt was not the place for him and moved onto viridian after much moving around in crews he finially joined Tomas and enjoyed many months of playing, but then after some in game problems he found himself moving to sage and joining Rogues of Sage and becoming friends with Jjwillis with the opening of Hunter he decided it was time to start all over again, and joined some hearties in the crew The Company.

The Company was a family knit group but the Captain found herself incapable of playing and so Moniah left leaving Egeyat in charge of the crew and Hivnest in charge of the flag.

Jacada quickly moved up ranks and soon found him self as first mate to Egeyat and king of Graveyard Disciples he turned the flag into a splendid place to be with over 600 loyal members who all got on. But Jacada had outside game problems and had to leave he sadly stepped down as king and left for a few weeks.

When he returned the flag was in trouble, Egeyat had made several untrustworthy people royals and the flag numbers had dropped to less that 100 with people hating what he had let it become. Soon the crew started overflowing with Greenies and Jacada with little help from others struggled to keep it afloat, after an arguement with Egeyat who found it incapable of keeping the crew in shape, Jacada left and took a few loyal officers with him to the Black Hunters where his friends Tsunamy and Pednuno welcomed him.

He was made SO rather quickly, and enjoyed being in the crew, but a shift in atmosphere left Jacada feelings uncomfortable so he met back up with his friend Drake and joined Kings of Chaos.

In Kings of Chaos Jacada became an FO and was incredibly happy in ADI which was like a large family, but then after some internet struggles broke up the flag was disbanded and Drake with a loyal following joined Clueless and became Captain. Jacada followed him.

Jacada is still in Clueless loyal to Drake and Reade and has decided that its the place for him, hes not that active anymore as some computer problems have limited his play ability, but he still logs on to talk to friends.

As Clueless joined Castigo Final Jacada found himself in an diffrent type of flag and rarely use's /fo chat preferring to stick to crew and /o chat.