
From YPPedia

FoxtrotZero, his full name being Foxtrot-Delta-Zero-Zero, typcally known as Fox, is a Pirate of the Midnight Ocean.


Roughly five years ago, Fox played the midnight ocean as TerribleTy.

A fine swordsman and a good hand at drinking and spades, TerribleTy was always having various problems. Fed up with dissatisfaction, he finally made his own crew. He sailed the Sloop Absent Barbel, usually not stocking any Rum.

He soon fell out of playing the game.


Fox returned under his current name.

His first crew, though short lived, was under a Captain Firewings. He soon moved on.

He then joined Poseidon's Wrath, under a Captain Sparrowownz. He progressed with minimal items until his quest for a subscription was complete.

Fox was promoted to Officer, though not the best captain of a ship. Having disputes with his former captain, he left the crew for The Aqua Rainbow, and soon returned.

After a short period of activity, with nearly nothing heard from his old crew, he joined The Paramount Pirates, where he currently resides.

The First SMH

FoxtrotZero soon went on his first Sea Monster Hunt in Atlantis. He spent a hearty two hours on the evening of June 15th, 2009, bilging, fighting, and hauling treasure. He recieved a hearty reward of 15,000 Pieces of Eight.

He went again the next day, soon finding himself kicked off the ship. He then proceded to make a smaller amount of money on a Flotilla Assault.