
From YPPedia


Chewy41 From Puzzle Pirate plays the pirate Chew on the Sage Ocean.

Chew is the currently living on Wensleydale Island, He started playing in February 2005 as part of many crews, until he found a crew(is capt first mate) --Capitals Imps of the flag United Imps as a Rolyalty member(Duke of war) that he stayed with and is still with now. having collected Trophys -- incredible Bilger-silver crab-Golden crab-Bejeweled crab and is Bilging Rate-Illustrios # 22 Entire Ocean on list (as of time this is writen)

This pirate owns a Sloop (Young Haddock) a Cutter (Poor Catfish) and a Distilling stall on Kent island,