
From YPPedia

Hey Who ever is actually reading this. I started off on midnight under the name flaminfire because i was a noob. I got a sloop on midnight before i actually wanted to sail it. I switched to hunter because i thought hunter had the coolest name. I switched to the name Cheeseypoofs and quickly befriended Dingybeard although i don't really talk to him much any more.Since switching to hunter i have been under 3 names Cheeseypoof Cheeseypoofs and Cincy. I have really only been in 3 crews that i actually stayed along time. Mind Altering State, Band of Panthera i think well Dragonsfire was captain and my own crew that i disbanded. Really in each crew i had 1 main friend that kept me from leaving. In Mind Altering State though it was everybody although i only remember 3 so i guess those were the 3. Godofhydra, Stormyskys, And Cambrad. In Dragonfires crew it was Dragonsfire and in mine it was Boisfoshow. I remade recently idk mabye 2 months or so. Of course as this ages it will be farther and farther away. Of the 5 ppl i listed Dragonsfire and Boisfoshow are really the ones that i still would like to have in my crew. I am currently in Imagine and it will be the 4th crew i have stayed in for a while.