I am currently SO as well as First Mate on "Causa Mortis" (cause of death). My captain on "Causa Mortis" is Lilbeard.
I have two ships, a cutter named Well-Dressed Slid, and a sloop named Genius Blowfish. I also have a rat named squeeky and a dog named Silver Streak. I live in a bungalow on Dragons Nest in the Viridian Ocean.
Just a Little Story about a Brigand King
Azarbad the Great Begins
"Goodbye," I shouted, to my mother as I sailed away with my dad to Tigerleaf Mountain. We all lived on Olive Island but I was 9 now so my dad decided it was time to teach me how to run a crew. The first day was boring. Just a bunch of people crawling around the ship cursing when they got mad and singing boring songs. Another week went by and still just a bunch of cursing and borring songs. I did learn how to bilge though thanks to my dad. The next morning I awoke to the sound of "bang," "bang". I rushed up to the deck to figure out why the cannon was being fired. The next thing I sall was my dad fighting for my life aginst a ugly looking pirate. "Azbad, hide! The crew Causa Mortis has borded us!" At that moment a musket was fired and I sall my dad drop to the floor, dead. "Noooooooo!!" I shouted. I scurried under deck and his in a apple barell. "What could I have done" I thought to myself over and over again, and the answer has always "Nothing, I am hopeless" It seemed like years before I ever came out. Suddenly leave i heard a loud crash and the boat stopped dead. I got out and went above deck. There wasn't another ship and we have crashed into a deserted Island. Everyone on board was dead and most were covered in pools of blood. From that day forway i swore to get my revenge on "Causa Mortis".