User:Addyrielle/Image tags

From YPPedia
Image tag For
{{Avatar|artistname|recipientname}} Artist and user attribution for avatars used on the YPP forums.
{{character image}} For character images (screenshots of pirates in-game).
{{clothing image}} For clothing images.
{{Contestentry|artistname|contestname}} For fan art that has been entered in contests.
{{Current portrait background|Artistname}} For portrait backgrounds that are currently available in-game.
{{externaltutorial|name of program}} For images relating to external tutorials - tutorials about other programs, etc. (Not the game.)
{{Fanart|Artistname}} For fan art images.
{{misnamed image|correct image name}} For misnamed images.
{{player photo|accountname}} For real-life photos of players.
{{puzzle image}} For screenies of puzzles.
{{Retired portrait background|Artistname|yyyy-mm-dd}} Retired portrait backgrounds.

**This is not a complete list**.