Tributers of Purple Haze

From YPPedia
Tributers of Purple Haze at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Captain Fritbri
Senior Officer(s) Bellablack, Dopeymindy, Neptunesluck
Politics Autocratic
Shares 70% Even
Flag Affiliation Catastrophe
Founded 2 September, 2010
Last updated on 25 March, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

Tributers of Purple Haze is a crew on the Cerulean Ocean.

Public Statement

Welcome to the Hazers!

Extended Public Statement

Tributers generally work in gangs & have limited portions set for which they receive a certain cut of the poe as agreed upon. We welcome anyone interested in joining the crew! Our Motto: Get it while it's good! Goals: 1) Make as much poe as possible! 2) Make as much poe as possible! 3) Pillage every route possible! 4) HAVE FUN!