Totally domination

From YPPedia
Totally Domination at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Bambikins
Senior Officer(s) Pascagoula
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation True Sailors
Founded 15 July, 2009
Disbanded as of 27 July, 2013

Totally Domination was a crew on the Sage Ocean which belonged to the flag True Sailors.

Public Statement

Yo ho! Yo ho! an alting life for me

Crew Articles

  • If you go pillaging with a sloop you need to stock it with 50 small canon balls and 30 rum/swill/etc... and you need to port at the dock where you started the pillage.
  • To use other ships just tell the captain please :)
  • For bnav, if you're on the ship you can't leave the battle or you will be demoted or expelled depending on who it is
  • For SO's: You can invite people into the crew and make him or her cabin person, pirate, or officer but for FO and SO you need to send the captain a tell.
  • AND FINALLY: HAVE FUNNNNNNN! It's the first reason we play :P

So tell the captain for jobs if you want a job in this crew

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