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Tookl is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. Currently she is a Senior officer of the crew The New Romantics. She is also titled Poet in the crew due to her writing skills.


Tookl started playing in the new year 2009, and immidiately took to the game. She became Senior officer of Black Sage Explorers within a week and is currently enjoying a long stay in The New Romantics. Her current ambitions are to marry Tichnay, and to lead a successful Flotilla Attack.

Poem Dedicated to the Crew

Some time ago, when none of you would know.

A crew was made, by a man who has long played.

It grew and grew, faster then he knew.

The New Romantics have travelled the seas, fought for manny rights, from the Assasins to the Knights, serving all their needs, at one point owning Basset, its only asset.

Attacked by a paracite, that with all Tichnay's might, could not be destroyed, no matter how much it annoyed.

Even after being warned, Tichnay was still to be mourned, from his ashes crews were formed, but none could compare, to the decorations that The New Romanitcs were adorned.

Now, the crew has come to rest. Cugix settles in his new nest, Tichnay, reborn, looks on, His once fine crew had nearly been gone, Broken, Crippled, Nearly buried.

But now, they shall rise to new heights, With Cugix fueling the lights.

~~By Tookl