From YPPedia
Tonchy is a senior officer of the crew Cinder and Smoke and a member of the flag Dark Inferno on the Cobalt Ocean.
Soon after she discovered puzzle pirates Tonchy joined Cinder and Smoke in December, 2006. Her hard work and support from the best crew mates made her what she is today - proud Senior Officer.
She loves helping young officers with tips and tricks, she likes puzzles, she likes to meet and make new friends but most of all she likes her crew mates.
The easiest way to find her is to go to her secret hiding place where she spends most of her time if she's not pillaging - it's Shipyard Varuna's Celestial Vessels on Lab Moors
Contributions and Awards
- Incredible Bilger
- Incredible Carpenter
- Incredible Gunner
- Incredible Shipwright
- Silver Crab
- Golden Crab
- Bejeweled Crab
- Golden Cannon
- Oaken token of Carpentry
- Seal of Carpentry
- Flag Bearer
- Driftwood
- Mug o'Blood
- Chalice of Blood
- Bone Head
- Skellie Hunter
- Skellie Slayer
- Atlantean Tablet
- Atlantean Explorer
- Bronze Triketos