Time Lords of Sage

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Time Lords of Sage at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Docwho
Senior Officer(s) Limpingduck, Pixie, Sheol, Suaska
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 23 April, 2006
dormant as of 18 May, 2009

Public Statement

Ahoy! We are the Time Lords of Sage. We are a Crew that is here to have fun. I don't like rules but we have some. First of all, officers must be trusted So go on a lot of pillages with senior or fleet officers and show us your ability to take orders and your skills at different positions. Second, you have to have skills.... The Navy is the best way to increase Nav and gunning skills and the other basic skills. Don't ask to gun or nav. You can offer, but don't offer unless you're broad in those categories.The ownner of the ship Is always allowed to take over. Most commanding officers will have a gunner or will do it themselves. We have some unlocked ships and don't mind letting you take it out. Just remember to read the bulletin and OBEY the ship owner's wishes. If it is not restock Then you will be demoted. Don't ask to become an officer. No Begging! I will expel if asked more than once, and if you ask it will take you longer to get to an officer if you ask.

Basic Navy Missions

Bilging on a voyage.

Carpenting on a voyage.

Sailing on a voyage.

Gunning on a voyage. (Requires above three to be at Narrow or higher)

Advanced Navy Missions

Navigating on a voyage.

Bilging, sailing, carpenting, or gunning on a voyage.

Defeating brigands on a voyage. (Requires narrow experience in navigation)

Note: A pirate must have at least broad experience in bilge, sail, carp, and gunnery for all advanced navy missions except defeating brigands.


1. If you take a ship out restock it with what the Officer Board says to. Or Be Demoted. 2. Spend sometime with the navy get your skills up. This is how you get promoted. 3. If you are going to Pillage make sure you have the Time to do it right. (IE do not start one and then abadond the ship at sea) It loss all it goods. Most pillages that are good need to be about 3 hours. 4. If you want to pillaging with the crew then you need to PTB (Permision to Board) <ship Name>. Dont jump on a ship unless it is at port. This means you will get planked if you just jump on the ship. One of the Ship mates will answer you. Most likely it will be the CO. 5. After You have joined a pillage then you need to find out who is CO. Then ask where you are needed. 6. Most of all DO NOT LEAVE SHIPs at unowned islands. It is a pain to come on and have to find the ship. Thanks. 7. All new Cabin Person Will need to get there gunning skill up to broad before they well get promoted to Pirate. 8. All New Pirates that want to be an officer will need to get there Nav and Bnav up to broad. Which can be done by looking at the Adv Missions. 9. Respect you fellow crew and jobbers. We are here to have fun and make some money. Now if a jobber or a crew mate is not Obeying the CO then plank them And that be it. If it is a Crem mate then plank them. Then explan to them in a tell what they are doing or not doing. If you get planked do not Complain about it in the crew Chat. 10. ABOVE ALL ELSE. Have fun don't kill your self playing. These are just rulse to make it so that all of us don't have to fix stuff before going out To have fun. TRAINING Below are some techniques we use in pillages and want everyone to understand them.



When fighting during a pillage, the commanding officer will tell you to team up. This means that several of us will focus attacks on one opponent. To do this, click on the character on the right. Who you click on will determine who you are attacking - there will be a white border around the character that you are attacking. There will be dots next to the opponents' board indicating how many pirates are attacking the opponent. So if the CO (commanding Officer) says teams of 3, then move your dot to a character so there will be 3 dots on their board. Watch the chat during the fight. Quite often, who you are attacking will move throughout the game. The CO may re-direct attacks during battle too. Please watch for and follow these directions immediately. A good crew can beat an opponent who has better skills if they follow the CO.


Ready to deliver a huge blow? Got a double, triple coming? Well, check out your opponent, are they almost dead? Would your attack have no affect? Then click on another opponent, deliver the blow, then click back. Cleavers and foils... Attacking cleavers or skulls (characters with butcher knifes or skull swords) are best for us. Their attacks are hard to fend off, so killing them first is best. Leave the characters with foils for last. Their attacks can easily be turned against them, so leaving them for last is the best strategy. There are other strategies, esp. when fighting human pirates that cannot be listed here. So listen to your CO and we'll make lots of money together.


Always obey the CO or you may get planked. If you are gunning and the CO orders you to sail. Don't get that last cannon filled before following the order. They're ordering you to another station because they don't need the other cannon filled and need you elsewhere. This is common and you shouldn't be upset. Ordering you to stations is the best way to communicate where the CO wants you (because it sounds a whistle).


If there is not a pillage to join. And either you not an officer or you don't have the time to run a pillage by all means go jobbing